Friday 22 February 2019

Self-Care Secrets to Reduce Stress

Being stressed is a part of the imperfect human experience. It consumes your energy, results in fatigue and also results in negative thoughts which could lead to feeling anxious. But like every other problem in the world stress also has a way to be tackled. The very first step to tackle stress is to take care of yourself. It may sound simple, but your mind and body are connected in powerful ways and by maintaining an emotional balance, you can actually prevent and manage stress.

Get Enough Sleep

Rest is very much necessary for both your body and soul. Lack of sleep can negatively impact your ability to handle stress and you definitely won’t be able to perform your tasks efficiently. Though there are a lot of things you can do to improve your sleep habits. All you need to do is to find relaxation techniques to help you fall asleep and get quality sleep all night.

Take a Vacation

You should pamper yourself in order to feel self-sufficient. It doesn't take too long to book a flight or pack your bags. You need to take time for yourself away from all your daily routines and schedules. This will help you come back replenished and restored.

Go For Regular Exercise

Exercise can be a great help for your physical and mental well being. It also helps your body release endorphins, which increase your feelings of overall well-being. Regular exercise can be a long-term solution for building resilience to stress, a short-term way to blow off steam, or both.

Practice Meditation

For the relaxation, try intentional breathing. It helps you strategically calm your mind, body and reduces mental stress. Meditation can also help in reducing stress and anxiety level. It only takes a few short minutes each day to garner the positive benefits.

With these few ways to deal with stress, you are now armed with strategies to live a calmer, more-fulfilled life.  You can't control many of the things that cause stress.  What you can do is take a proactive approach and control the way you handle this problem.

Thursday 21 February 2019

When your child come out as LGBTQ:

Being a parent has never been easy. It is very demanding to raise a child, any number of sacrifices are never enough. Parents are often filled with so many expectations from their child, and are often requires a lot of hard work and support. If the essence of bearing and bringing up a child can be extracted and served in a line, it would look like:

“Having kids — the responsibility of rearing good, kind, ethical, responsible human beings — is the biggest job anyone can embark on.”

What does it mean to be ‘different ‘?

Many young people describe being gay, lesbian, trans (or transgender), or simply different in any way, as feeling (often extreme) dissatisfaction, quite scary and painful.

One can only imagine the internal pain that your child might experience every single morning when they woke up not feeling connected with their own body, or at worst, ashamed/disgusted by their body and mind. It would be so hard to navigate towards a meaning full and positive life or to even hope that a better life could be possible.

These are common thoughts in folks who identify themselves as LGBT.

When your child comes out.

When your child has come to you, trusted you and identified themselves as an LGBT, your emotional support for your darling kid is the best thing you can and you are expected to provide.

When this happens, the best thing you should do is to reassure them that you love them and you will support them.

And make sure you add “no matter what.” at the end of your message. Many people don’t receive it. It is simply conveying the message that your love for your kid is not dependent on their identity.
By the time someone is coming out and identifies them self, after witnessing the hateful or negative views of their families, they already have considered the possibility of getting emotionally rejected and in some cases, even worse.

Now you can imagine how scared your child might be when they realized that they are a part of the LGBTQ community.

Wednesday 13 February 2019


Sociopathy is an informal term that defines a pattern of antisocial behaviors and attitudes. In the Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, sociopathy is most close to represented by antisocial personality disorder. Outward, those described as sociopaths may appear disturbed but can also show signs of caring, sincerity, and trustworthiness.

 They are manipulative, often lie, lack empathy, and have a weak conscience that allows them to act reckless or aggressive, even when they know their behavior is wrong.

Who Is a Sociopath?

someone who is clear without conscience. In most of the cases, it's a description tossed out to label a person as being either hateful or hate-worthy.

Sociopathic symptom:

1.Lack of empathy: 

One of the most well-known signs of Sociopath is a lack of empathy, particularly an inability to feel remorse for one's actions. “Many people with these symptoms do seem to lack a conscience, but not all of them,” he explains. Psychopaths always have this symptom, which is what makes them especially dangerous.

2. Difficult relationships:

People with these traits find it hard to form emotional bonds, so their relationships are often unstable and chaotic. Rather than forge connections with the people in their lives, they must try to exploit them for their own benefit through deceit, coercion, and intimidation.


Sociopaths are not only hostile towards themselves, but they are more likely to interpret others' behavior as hostile, which drives them to seek revenge.


Another sign could be a disregard for financial and social obligations. Ignoring their responsibilities is extremely common, for example, not paying child support when it’s due, allowing bills to pile up, and regular taking time off work.


A sociopath makes decisions with no thought for the consequences and find it extremely difficult to make a plan and stick to it.

6. Risky behavior:

Combine irresponsibility, impulsivity, and a need for instant gratification, and it’s not surprising that sociopaths get involved in risky behavior. People tend to have little concern for the safety of others or for themselves. Means that excessive alcohol consumption, drug abuse, compulsive gambling, unsafe sex, and dangerous hobbies (including criminal activities) are common.

How Can This Be Treated

  • Confronting the problem head-on:

Try to understand their nature and scope of sociopathy and dealing with the whole rather than with little parts of it is a helpful start.

  • Partnership with a caring therapist:

The treatment works better if it works in a systematic manner. Unfortunately, evidence also shows that after initial improvement, the sociopath regresses back to their old self.

One of the most unfortunate reality is that there is no evidence to show that a sociopath can change. There is nothing that has been proven effective as a treatment for a sociopath for now. Researchers and practitioners aren't giving up on finding a way to treat them. Can sociopaths be cured? Experts hope they can.

Monday 11 February 2019

What It Really Means to be a Psychopath, Sociopath, or Narcissist?


Might be related to physiological brain differences.Research has shown psychopaths have underdeveloped parts of the brain ordinarily thought to be liable for feeling regulation and impulse management.Psychopaths, in general, have a tough time forming real emotional attachments with others.Instead, they type artificial, shallow relationships designed to be manipulated in an exceedingly approach that almost all edges the mental case.When a mental case engages in criminal behaviour, they have an inclination to try to to therefore in an exceedingly approach that minimises risk to themselves.They will fastidiously arrange criminal activity to confirm they don’t get caught, having contingency plans in sit for each risk.


Generally, tend to be a lot of impulsive and erratic in their behaviour than their mental case counterparts. While additionally having difficulties in forming attachments to others, some sociopaths could also be able to type AN attachment to a similar cluster or person.Unlike psychopaths, most sociopaths don’t hold down long jobs or gift a lot of of a standard family life to the surface world.When a neurotic engages in criminal behaviour, they may do therefore in AN impulsive and for the most part unplanned manner, with very little regard for the risks or consequences of their actions.They may become agitated and furious simply, generally leading to violent outbursts.
These kinds of behaviour increase a sociopath’s chances of being apprehended.


A narcissist is a lot of possible to react sooner with lies and intimidation.
Narcissists typically exerting to attain success, fame, and perfection, however might exploit others on the approach.
In distinction, sociopaths attempt to swindle, steal, or exploit others financially.
Although each characters could also be impelled to win in the least prices, narcissists are a lot of inquisitive about what you're thinking that of them.

What is the Myers-Briggs Personality Test (and How To Take It)?

  • The Myers-Briggs psychometric test is mostly supported the temperament indicator developed by Katharine Cook Briggs and her girl Isabel Briggs Myers.
  • Their development of the check occurred within the Forties and was engineered upon psychological analysis  performed by Carl Gustav Jung within the Nineteen Twenties.
  • The type check is predicated on a series of queries that gather info on however someone typically responds or relates to numerous things.
  • Myers-Briggs tests borrow from man of science Carl Jung’s theory of dominant psychological functions: sensation, intuition, feeling, and thinking.
  • The theory suggests that these functions color however we tend to approach resolution issues and interacting with others.Despite its origin in psychological theory, MBTI is historically employed in business settings, however has been questioned thanks to its lack of scientific validity and rigor.
  • The goal of the MBTI is to allow respondents to further explore and understand their own personalities including their likes, dislikes, strengths, weaknesses, possible career preferences, and compatibility with other people.

How the Myers-Briggs Test Works

Introvert (I) vs. Extrovert (E)

Introverts tend to think about the globe from an interior perspective, permitting their concepts and ability to be dueat intervals themselves.Introverts tends to connect additional emotional worth to their thoughts and choices.
Extroverts gain their inspiration through interactions and intellection with others.This external read tends to create extroverts additional cooperative.

Intuitive (N) vs. Sensory (S)

Intuitive sorts focus a lot of on the longer term by recognizing patterns and processes so as to own a bigger understanding of potential results.
Sensory sorts tend to measure a lot of within the moment and suppose holistic views through their use of immediate senses.

Thinking (T) vs. Feeling (F)

Thinking sorts take associate degree objective approach to things, and bank a lot of on causative analysis and information to assist type their opinions or selections.
Feeling sorts place wide weight to external values as a part of their deciding, giving a lot of stress to the subjective aspects of a state of affairs, and considering personal variations.

Perceiving (P) vs. Judging (J)

Perceiving sorts come with the flow, and revel in flexibility and naturalness once it involves agendas or selections.
Judging sorts take associate degree organized approach to life, and like that events be mapped out or regular so as to travel as swimmingly as attainable.